Sunday, July 6, 2008

Scared pee-less

I really thought it would be fine. I mean Trixie is nervous around thunder and lightening, but she has gotten better because I don't baby her when we hear/see it. So I figure Friday was a good time to get her desensitized to other loud noises. The girls had just a few fireworks to light and a the whole family went out to watch. I put Trixie on a leash to keep her close to me on the porch. The first thing they lit shot sparkles straight up, but it wasn't loud. Trixie started dancing around and whining. Still, I thought if I stayed calm she would calm down too. I didn't count of the neighbor lighting fireworks... He happened to light one that shot sparkles all around in a spinning circle and made firecracker pops. Trixie took off for the door. Her reflex was quicker than mine. She pulled her leash from my hand and didn't stop until she hit her head on the wood. I ran after her to pick her up and soothe her. She was so scared she peed on us both. I watched the rest of the fireworks from the kitchen window, but Trixie was so scared she cowered in her bed. I couldn't get her to go outside for the rest of the night. Even the next morning she was still a little afraid.

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